Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jeff Foxworthy's Charlotte show canceled

Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall and Larry The Cable Guy have canceled their comedy show that was scheduled for Friday, Nov. 11, at Time Warner Cable Arena. No explanation was provided.

Ticketholders: Refunds are available from the place you bought your ticket.


  1. No secret. Anytime a show cancels without explanation it's because NOT ENOUGH ADVANCE TICKETS WERE SOLD.

  2. How many times can these scumbags beat that dead horse anyway?

  3. It's cause Ron White isn't touring with them. He's the funny one...

  4. This guy was funny... like 15 years ago. A pretty strong statement when you can't even sell tickets down this way.

  5. They have cancelled several shows over the past few weeks. I think it has something to do with the economy and not how funny they are. They also might want to consider playing smaller venues.

  6. Don't care who you are, that right there is funny.

  7. Jeff Foxworthy is so not funny. Now Ron White is funny.

  8. I am sooooo not happy about them cancelling the show & with no explanation why. What's up with that?? I never go to any shows and this is the one that I was really looking forward to & now we get nothing. Thanks alot guys!

  9. Hey Anonymous 2:41,

    here's your sign.

  10. This really blows, was looking forward to seeing the show and having some laughs and now they canceled the show with no explanation, that sucks and is low on their part, and least give a reason.

  11. If a show is going to be cancelled, the ticket holders should be notified well in advance, so they don't drive 2 hours each way and pay for parking for nothing. Really disappointed in the unprofessionalism of not notifying the ticket holders.
