Monday, December 17, 2012

EpiCentre offers free cab rides for partiers

During the month of December, the uptown EpiCentre will partner with the local ABC Board and three cab companies to provide complimentary rides within the 1-277 corridors through the "I’m Not Driving Impaired" initiative.

The initiative allows adults (21 and older, obviously) who have consumed alcohol to receive a $10 voucher for a single trip cab ride with City Cab, Crown Cab or Yellow Cab companies. This program is sponsored by Mecklenburg County ABC Board and is supported through the sales of distilled spirits in Mecklenburg County.

According to the EpiCentre, Mecklenburg County prosecutes approximately 4,000 driving while impaired cases each year. This statistic spikes during December, while companies and individuals celebrate the holidays.

Vouchers for the cab rides are available at the valet stand on College Street. The offer is limited and may end without notice, the EpiCentre says.


Anonymous said...

Where do you get the vouchers? From the bar, the epiCenter?

Anonymous said...

Within the 277 Corridor? That provides an extremely limited value, considering that covers an area within walking distance.

Anonymous said...

Why would someone that close to epicentre need a cab to begin with? Good PR move, no real benefit to the public.

People gotta stop drinking and driving. It's insane the 2 incidents this weekend where they ran into cop cars of all things. Drink in walking distance to home or get a cab. It's not complicated. Wrecks are far more expensive than cabs. People will risk their lives to save a couple bucks that they end up losing. If they were that money conscious, they shouldn't be blowing money on liquor.

Anonymous said...

Charlotte has cabs?

Anonymous said...

What if 5 people each get at $10 voucher and get in one cab... is it worth a $50 cabride anywhere?

Anonymous said...

This will prevent drunk walking, not drunk driving, it will let them take drunk people from the epicenter back to their car where they will drive drunk from.